Adult Programs
Adult Farmers
Special Needs

Learn skills that you can use outside the classroom. We will learn how to build and use tools, grow a garden and learn horsemanship skills, along with learning how to care for all animals at the Ranch.
It is our goal once we have obtained a larger property to have this program be a one year commitment. Participants will learn how to use tools, grow gardens, bee keep and raise organic meat. After the year, participants are given a plot of land, rent free, to farm what they were most interested in. We will help them create an LLC and after another year help them with grants to get a property of their own to have a sustainable career.
No matter their level, they are welcome at HHH! We believe that everyone can be taught if we go at their pace.
Saturdays 3:00PM-5:00PM
4-Week programs run May thru Oct

Ages: 17+
NO GUARDIAN NEEDED. Volunteers assisting.

$120 per month